Catfishing Websites


Catfish are one of the most sought after fish amongst freshwater anglers. They can put up a great fight for those fishing for sport, but also make a great meal for those fishing for dinner. They live in almost every body of water and are relatively easy to catch, making them a perfect target for beginners. But they can also grow to be massive, making them popular amongst advanced anglers and tournament professionals. There are many different types of catfish so you’ll have to do your research before you start fishing for them. Catfishing is best known for being done at night, but there are opportune times during the day to catch them too. The websites below are packed with information on how to catch catfish and what baits to use.

Top Catfishing Sites

Theres a lot of catfishing information packed on this site and its organized by category so its easy to sort through. Some of the categories include catfishing baits, catfishing tackle, catfishing basics, techniques, and gear reviews.

Really nice looking and up to date catfish fishing website. The content creator is a life long catfish fisherman and provides solid information, tips, techniques and proven methods about cat fishing in all conditions.

If your looking for catfishing tackle then this website is for your. Their slogan is “real catfish gear” and thats what they provide. The site also has some great photos and videos definitely worth checking out.

It’s tough to describe what Catfish Edge is all about but it’s described as a “lifestyle”. The site has a very nice design and has some cool content so its worth a visit. The content creator has been fishing for catfish for 15 years so you’ll certainly learn something.

This website is designed to help you catch more and bigger catfish. The purpose of the site is to provide a place for catfish anglers across the United States to get credible information on fishing for catfish.

Discover Catfishing is run by a long time professional and competitive catfishermen. He was getting asked numerous catfishing questions and decided this website would be a good platform for sharing catfishing information, and that it is. Theres a boat load of great catfish fishing information here worth checking out.

This catfishing website is a membership website with great forums, blogs and chatrooms. Become a member and get access to a group of catfish fisherman that share catfish videos, photos, fishing trips and reports.

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